Hero photograph
Photo by Karen Ward

Ode to a season ...

Room 22 —


Winter do your worst

Bring on your thunder and lightning

Give the world a fright.

Tear apart the sky,

Light it up at night.

Winter cover the light

Shower us with rain and hail.

Give people frostbite,

make our faces pale.

Winter give all that you’ve got

Bring a damp smell.

Bring all the mud you can,

I won’t tell.

By Mya


Spring do your worst

Shower us with your rain and your cold hail.

Let your howling bitter breath destroy the trees and rip the umbrella out of my hand.

Your scorching glare burns my skin,dry out wet clothes and grow your trees.

Make your thunder announce Spring.

Bring out your lighting blade and cut the sky.

By Paige

Ode to Summer

Summer do your worst

For it will make me rise up

Summer make us feel down

Use our gauntlet of air

Summer make us feel hot so we have to use our extra feathery bucket hats.

Make my bbq hotter and my Coke sweat till it bleeds.

Summer make us sizzle,

force us to use our sunblock

Summer make us feel tired and make us use our inhalers.

Burn hotter than a furnace.

By JJ Rongo  

Terrifying Autumn

Autumn, do your worst.

Make it rain with reds and golds

Clothe the earth with a blanket of fire.

Make the ground crunchy and soft with leaves that crumple slowly under prancing feet.

Autumn take my hat

And cover me with my deliciously warm coat.

Torment the trees and strip them of their magnificent hair,

Leave them stark and empty.

Autumn your fierce whining breath awakens the smoke curling from tall, shadowing chimneys,

As you’re slowly replaced by winter.

Let your storms throttle the windows and howl like a wild beast.

I’m not afraid.

By Hollie Sorensen