Andrew Ducat — Oct 16, 2019

We are a finalist for the Trusts Million Dollar Mission. That means we have the opportunity to raise $30,000 to put towards a new sand pit/water play feature for our pupils and community to enjoy.

Check out the amazing concept plan we submitted to the Trusts as part of our funding application;

Image by: Andrew Ducat

The design looks fantastic and will provide our school and community with a wonderful resource.

With your support, and the help of your extended whanau network, we have the opportunity to raise enough funds to have this project completed before Christmas. 

On Tuesday, 22 October the public voting system opens.  All you need to do is go online each day and vote for Konini - every vote is worth $5 and goes towards our goal of $30,000.  

All the other finalists will be busy voting too which means funds go fast!  So the more votes we get each day, the quicker we can reach our target.  Our target is to get 6000 votes as soon as possible.

Please  encourage your family and friends who have an email address to hop online and vote.

We appreciate that it may be difficult to remember to log on each day and vote so we will be sending out regular reminders.

(check out our flyer for easy instructions).

PLEASE GET EVERYONE TO VOTE EVERY DAY SO WE CAN REACH OUR GOAL! - The school will receive $5 per vote - Lets Go!!!!!!