Hero photograph
Photo by Andrew Ducat

Fun during the lockdown

Andrew Ducat —

It has been awesome to see what has been going on in the community during the lockdown. Check out the following links...

Have a look at Billy's (R 4) Rube Goldberg Machine - link

Very impressive Billy. I don't know who had more fun - you or Dad? Another question - how long did Mum have to wait to get that cup of coffee?

If you would like to build your own Rube Goldberg Machine you can learn more by visiting this very helpful website - link

There are lots more great examples of kids work on the following links:

Tiger News - Issue 1

Tiger News - Issue 2

Tiger News - Issue 3

Tiger News - Issue 4 (only published yesterday)

Here's the links to the two Virtual Assemblies we have hosted;

Fri 17 April Assembly

Fri 20 March Assembly

Hot off the press - here's the link to our latest Virtual Assembly - Fri 1 May Assembly