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Photo by Andrew Ducat

Measles Outbreak in Auckland

Admin —

Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can be very serious.

Measles is caused by a virus, so antibiotics won’t cure it. If you or your child has measles, stay away from others until at least five days after the rash appears. This means not going to daycare, school, work or anywhere there are others you could pass measles onto, and don’t have people visit you at home.

What are the symptoms?

You usually start to feel unwell 10–14 days after you have caught the virus. You are likely to get a fever, cough, runny nose, sore and watery pink eyes and sometimes small white spots inside your mouth. At around day three to seven you will get a blotchy rash. This rash first appears on your face and then spreads to your head and body. It can last for up to a week.

People with measles can spread it to others five days before and until five days after their rash appears.

Let people you have been in contact with know that you have measles so that they can take appropriate steps to protect themselves and their family.

If you are concerned about measles call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or call your GP. Please do not just turn up to your GP, after hours or emergency department as you could potentially infect others.