Tiritiri Matangi ...

Eve Maloni Simpson —

Yesterday I went to Tiritiri Matangi, a beautiful pest-free island. When we got there we got into our groups and put our bags in a truck and sat down. The Ranger did a greeting and the lead guide gave us our instructor (who happened to have the same name as our parent helper). 

After that, we started our journey up the mountain. As soon as we started we saw a Piwakawaka and two kereru! The birds there were amazing! Tiritiri Matangi has all sorts of cool inventions like a bird feeding cage with small doorways so the tuis can’t hog the food! There were cool finger puppets of native animals that you had to find among the trees, and the trees were all evergreen so I forgot that it was Winter! 

After the little tramp, we got to eat lunch and do a scavenger hunt! For the scavenger hunt, you got to go in the visitor's centre which had a microscope with a decapitated weta head that you could view, I named it David! Before we left, we went to two beaches and explored the rocks and pick up any rubbish we found! At one of the beaches, it was crab central, there was like 5 or more crabs underneath every rock! Titiri Matangi was really fun and I recommend going in your free time.

By Eve Maloni Simpson