Hero photograph
Photo by Andrew Ducat

Well being during uncertain times

Andrew Ducat —

2020 is turning out to be an incredibly challenging year for us all. Our children, although they do not always understand why they are feeling the way they do, will pick up on the pressures whānau may be experiencing. Here's some tips and links that may be helpful.

Try to manage your child's consumption during these challenging times. What they consume will have an overall impact on their well being.

There are the obvious things to consider when we talk about consumption - food. Do your best to maintain meal routines, avoid snacking and try to limit unhealthy food options. 

Encourage lots on consuming of fresh air. Get outside as much as you can. Enjoy the sunlight - when it appears. There is a wealth of research that highlights the importance of exercise and spending time outside.

Limit your child's screen time consumption. Have a look at Netsafe's tips for monitoring screen time - link

As a school we often feel helpless in knowing how we can support whānau during challenging times. If you have any concerns please contact your child's teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. We might not have the answer immediately but we will do our best to help you and your children.

Here's a few links that may be of use.

Kids Health - Provides information on coping with worry and anxiety about COVID-19 for children. 

Whānau Ora - Whānau Ora work with whānau to find the services and support needed. 

Office for Disability Issues - Have an overview of the current Disability Support Services available in New Zealand. Find this here. 

Explore Specialist Advice  - National provider of behaviour support for those with disabilities and autism. 

Taikura Trust - Provide free needs assessment and service coordination (NASC) in the greater Auckland region. 

The New Zealand Foodbank Directory - Find a local food bank using the New Zealand Foodbank Directory. 

COVID 19 website - Provides up-to-date information to support families and businesses during COVID- 19.