Hero photograph
Photo by Senior Camp

News from Camp Adair

Kate - Rm 23, Ollie-Rm 21, William Rm 15 —

The Year 5 and 6 team have been having an awesome time at Camp Adair in the Hunua Ranges.

This week the seniors travelled to Camp Adair to take part in a selection of exciting and challenging outdoor activities.

We arrived on Tuesday after a three hour hike. The hike was painful and tiring but we survived. The teachers organised the hike to wear us out on the first night so that we would go to sleep early. Did that work? No!

On Wednesday and Thursday we rotated around a 10 amazing activities during the day. Some were physical challenges, some involved team work, support and strategy and others involved you overcoming your fears.

The Pamper Pole was nerve wracking because the pole was high and the further you climbed the more it wobbled. Kayaking was really hard and the water was freezing. Another cool activity was archery. It was really challenging to hit the target.

In the evening we have had the most amazing dinners - Nachos and Butter Chicken. We don't know what we are having tonight but it smells good!

On Wednesday evening we had a camp fire, ate ice cream sandwiches and sang around the camp fire with Mrs Rowlings. Mrs Ingoe and Mrs Richards even wrote a song for the camp.

Tonight, Thursday night, we are having a camp concert and apparently, the teachers and parents have special items to share.

Camp has been amazing.