Te wiki o te reo Māori: He taonga te Pepeha
September 24, 2024
He aha te Pepeha?
From the word 'Peha' to boast or brag about oneself. Pepeha is a tool for Māori to reclaim reo and tikanga. It is used to explain who you are and your ancestral connections.
Tewai shared structures to support Pākeha, Tauiwi and Ngāti Tiriti whānau to use pepeha and the landmarks in a respectful way. The session explored the intricacies of mihimihi and pepeha, and how to incorporate this taonga into the participant's world.
He aha te Mihimihi?
Mihimihi means to greet, pay tribute and thank. In your mihimihi you greet the audience, you pay tribute to your tūpuna, ancestors, and/or thank ngā atua, the gods. Mihimihi includes everything from your introduction greeting, adding your whānau, your closing statement.
Significant maunga, the meaning and history of their name, and nearby landmarks were also discussed.
Here is the shared presentation.
Tewaiehu Savage Kaiarahi Mātauranga Māori | To find out about primary or secondary Te Reo Māori classes in 2025 see our website kotuiako.school.nz or email Primary@kotuiako.school.nz or secondary@kotuiako.school.nz |