你好 Nĭ hăo Celebrating NZ Chinese Language Week 2024
你好 nǐ hǎo! To celebrate NZ Chinese Language Week this year, we are sharing free digital resources and details of our online classes.
Kōtui Ako students learn Mandarin Chinese with Wang Laoshi.
They are learning to understand and use familiar expressions and everyday vocabulary in Chinese language and culture.
We are sharing these free Chinese language resources (NZC L1 & 2) including greetings, numbers, songs, and more to share with your learners during Chinese Language Week.
Students can continue their Chinese language studies through secondary levels at NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3 with Laytee George.
You can find out more about our online Chinese classes in the videos below and our website. Register your interest for 2025 classes email primary@kotuiako.school.nz