Growing primary and secondary online education together
VLN Primary is in an exciting transition as we combine expertise and organisations with our secondary school colleagues OLC to become Kōtui Ako.
Hikina a tātou ākonga kia haere kōtui tātou ki tua
Walk hand-in-hand with us to uplift our learners and safeguard the future
Kōtui Ako represents our kaupapa of learning (ako) in partnership (kōtui). When developing our vision and values we talk about ākonga (learners) enjoying quality educational opportunities, but ākonga are not just students. For Kōtui Ako the term includes eTeachers and schools and extends to whānau - we are all learners on this journey which raises young people who realise their potential.
Ngā kōrero I Why have we joined forces?
The impetus behind the merger was to establish an organisation that could lead the way for Aotearoa's online education for all school age learners. An organisation that could publicly face both primary and secondary schools, but also work with the Ministry of Education cohesively. The united direction between OLC and VLN Primary will provide greater opportunities and efficiencies in a range of areas including funding, staffing and professional development.
Ngā rerekētanga I Differences between the organisations?
OLC (Online Learning Communities) were a network of secondary schools providing online courses, whereas VLN Primary served a range of primary schools. As Kōtui Ako we will continue with several operational distinctions.
Kōtui Ako (Primary): Zoom classes are usually 30 minutes each week and independent learning an additional 30 minutes. Participating schools nominate a support person who provides pastoral care for students who are learning online. Programmes at primary level aren't tied to any formal assessment but are linked into the NZ Curriculum with Kōtui Ako (Primary) overseeing the programme design.
Kōtui Ako (Secondary): Zoom classes are 1 hour every week, with tauira dedicating time outside of Zoom to each class, just as they would in regular secondary subjects. The support person who provides pastoral care for students at affiliate schools is called an eDean. Most courses at secondary level are tied to NCEA and it is the eTeacher and their school who designs the course.
Anga whakamua I Change or remain the same?
There will be several differences for those used to working with us, but also many aspects that will remain.
- Our look! Along with our fancy new branding, a new website will be launched at - we've made a start but we'll let you know when this is fully up and running. Branding will eventually feed through to everywhere you used to see our VLNP logo.
- Our technology & systems. Many systems will remain - we'll continue using Google and Zoom, Seesaw and Google Classroom. Other systems will transition, such as student registrations, but we'll keep schools informed as these roll out.
- Our people. Each year we have eTeachers join us and move on, and this will continue. However our staff organisational structure will change to accommodate two organisations merging together.
Tāngata I People of Kōtui Ako
Across Kōtui Ako we have several roles and groups working collaboratively:
- ePrincipals: Rachel Whalley (Primary) and Amanda King (Secondary)
- Deputy ePrincipals: Lucie Lindsay (Primary), Sara Field and Sue McCarthny (Secondary)
- Kaiārahi Mātauranga Māori: Tewaiehu Savage
- eLearning support: Lucie Lindsay & Jan Bolton (Primary), Jan Collier (Secondary)
- Curriculum Development (Primary): Jen Hammonds
- Executive Admin: Helen Goldsworthy
- Governance Group: Ruth Anderson (Chair), Rachael Tuwhangai, Sue Winters and Rick Whalley
Together we serve 140 Primary, Intermediate, Area and Secondary Schools from across the motu. Last year we had 2400 learner registrations.
Ka nui tēnei I That's it for now
As VLN Primary and OLC embark on this exciting journey into Kōtui Ako we ask for your mānawanawa (patience) and taituara (support) and welcome your marohi (suggestions) so we grow together as a leading educational organisation.