Our Songwriters create!
Jan Bolton - November 14, 2022
Over the course of 2022, learners have individually created their own music projects within the app Soundtrap (NZC The Arts: Music levels 3/4 Developing ideas). Their projects are characterised by their own personal ideas, emotions and genre preferences and are also informed by ongoing class exploration of a range of musicians’ songwriting (which includes other classmates' shared work).
You can listen to four projects by our Songwriters here:
May Angels Fly by Grace (Western Heights Primary)
Imminent by Riley (Geraldine High School)
Technical Difficulties by Marlow (Totara School)
First day back at school by Chase (Makuri School)
When the merger of Virtual Learning Networks Primary and Secondary was announced with the new name of Kōtui Ako - Virtual Learning Network Aotearoa, the time seemed right for our Songwriters to collaboratively create a waiata that could celebrate this. Below is the work (lyrics, audio, score) that is underway, to next be shared and built on by the wider Kōtui Ako community. Special acknowledgement goes to Sophia Adshead (Te Rerenga School) who played a major part in the waiata adding lyrics, vocals and musical ideas.
Songwriting with Jan Bolton (2022)