Hero photograph
Afrikaans Online
Photo by Rachel Whalley

Kiwi-skool bied nou Afrikaanse aanlyn-klasse vir kinders aan

Rachel Whalley —

NZ children can learn Afrikaans online with the VLN Primary School.

Afrikaans online is being provided by Mevrou Annatjie Fourie, Principal of Ohura Valley Primary School as her contribution to the VLN Primary School. Not only does this provide our students with new learning opportunities but enables Annatjie to teach in an area she is passionate about. 

Classes will be aimed at the beginning language learner but has also expanded to extension classes with some language and comprehension work. All classes can then be tailored to suit the varying needs of the children. This class is suitable for NZ students with an interest in Afrikaans, and who want to be able to speak with their friends and neighbours. As well as language learning support for SANs children in NZ. 

"Our main aim is to keep Afrikaans alive. So the classes range from basic vocabulary and spoken language to comprehensions and book studies, We have worked through poetry and songs as well. It depends on how proficient the students are and their ages.”

Our Afrikaans class is targeted at the beginners level and primarily aimed at Year 7 & 8s although we can include students who are younger. All online classes are scheduled to start twice a year - mid March & July and run for a 15 week semester. However, start times at other times can be negotiated. Students and teachers meet once a week in a Zoom web conferencing room for a 30 minute tutorial and students practice during the week with homework that has been set for them. They have an online website Google Classroom where they can find resources and activities and communicate with their teachers and classmates. Typically a class can include up to 12 students from 3 - 4 different schools from anywhere in the country. 

Please contact Annatjie directly to discuss your child(ren)’s level of understanding of Afrikaans and your expectations. Anna Fourie principal@ohuravalley.school.nz

Students can be enrolled through their schools - Please read our Protocols of Participation for specific details on how to participate and what costs are involved. Or families can also register their children to participate - there will be a $172.50 cost per student per semester for home registered students. Classes are run during school hours, so school support is important.

To make enrolments contact us for more information email: primary@vln.school.nz