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Ōmata students making guacamole

Holy guacamole!

Kathleen Saso - November 8, 2023

The Ōmata School Spanish class has consistently shown passion and dedication to their learning of the Spanish language. Gracias to the students and their fabuloso classroom teachers!

Ruma Ruru at Ōmata were always ready to learn, coming inside early from recess and having their tech ready before we began. Students were always willing to give it a go and supported each other to participate. Even when asked to learn a brand new song and come up with a video, this courageous group of akonga gave it their all!

Ōmata cancion Jen Hammonds

Students started off with introductions and asking ‘how are you?’, then how to ask about their family. They learnt about verbs and how they change (conjugate) as well as how to chat about what activities they like to do and food they like to eat.

Ōmata practicing verb conjugation

Omata School’s Ruma Ruru also worked independently on Seesaw each week and it was always a joy to see the creative ways that they presented their work. One of the research projects was to share about a singer they like who sings in Spanish.

Research a song with Spanish lyrics

To celebrate how fast the time has flown, the class made delicious guacamole. Students had researched the history of guacamole from Mexico and learned it was first created in the 1500s. Each group of students had their own fresh take on the guacamole recipe.

Ōmata students making guacamole

Every student in this class shone brightly and everyone improved their Spanish speaking heaps throughout the year. One student was lucky enough to go on a trip to Spain this year to try it out - one of many benefits to learning a new language!