Primary learners give their feedback
We recently surveyed our learners in Primary programmes and were really pleased to receive an 89% response rate. Hear what they have to say about their online classes.
Student's feedback was very positive with students expressing a high level of satisfaction with eteachers and classes, most felt confident in the online environment, although a quarter experienced challenges related to access to devices and reliable wifi, some needed more time for their asynchronous (independent) learning, and many expressed appreciation of the opportunities that would not otherwise be available.
Students responded to statements using a five point Likert scale of: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree and asked to respond to various statements.
The chart below shows student responses about their teacher:
(click on the images to enlarge)
Students commented:
I love learning NZSL. Janine makes it very easy to understand what we are signing in a fun and creative way! I am trying my best and love it!
I have never learnt a new language before, so this is a very cool thing to do
I think my writing has gotten a lot better after this class.
VLN is exciting and gave me the chance to be my full self.
Design is fun and full of surprises
Meeting others online and working with teacher not from my school
This opportunity has meant that I can learn new techniques in Maths. The positives are that I can make new friends. The challenges are the Maths problems because some of them are really hard.
I think it was an awesome experience and I will definitely carry on with learning Japanese
The chart below shows student responses about their support:
Most students are confident in the online environment and agree and they are able to get support, work cooperatively and respectfully, and communicate with their online teacher. Slightly less students thought they could complete their independent learning each week. Challenges that students identified were time based “we have to miss our morning tea to join the class.”
Many students consider that they have good access to devices, wifi, and a quiet place to work to take part in their online class however nearly a quarter did not. Their comments noted wifi as a problem with comments such as “internet being glitchy sometimes, sometimes the connection on the school devices does not work”.
Some students wanted more time for independent work “More time to work on our VLN class work” and for classes to be longer. “To improve this class we need more time to work on or Maths problems”
A recurrent theme in the general comments was appreciation of the opportunities that would not otherwise be available. Students wrote:
This course has allowed me to continue a hobby I had found an interest in outside of school. It is effective and interesting, and I'm happy to be engaged
thank you for helping me learn this as I have been wanting to learn it for a while now
This opportunity has meant that I can make new friends that live all around NZ. The positives are that I get to learn stuff that I wouldn't normally learn at school.
I think nothing needs to change when it comes to VLN
I think you're doing a great job keep it up
It is probably the best thing I have done for learning this year.