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ANZIA - Highly commended for Diversity & Digital Skills
Photo by Kit Haselden Photography

Recognition for VLN Primary School at Awards Night

Rachel Whalley —

Rachel picks up a Highly Commended ANZIA award (runners up) for Diversity & Digital Skills at a recent Awards night in Melbourne.

"The ANZIAs (Australia and New Zealand Internet Awards) are a collaboration between auDA and InternetNZ. An annual event celebrating the achievements of organisations, businesses and individuals who excel in delivering accessible, innovative, informative and secure resources to a diverse and wide community on the Internet. Winners receive recognition as industry leaders that have set new standards for making the Internet a more inclusive, accessible and safe place."

We were recognised for our work in providing equity and access to learning opportunities for New Zealand students through online learning.

This is big kudos to all the teachers who work through our VLN Primary network to enable this to happen for our students - our amazing eteachers, support teachers in all our schools, Principals who share in the vision and help drive it across our schools and to Ginette & Rachel who help hold it all together.

Big thanks to InternetNZ for there support of these awards.