Rangatira ake nei!
Tewaiehu Savage - December 4, 2023
Te Puna o Te Kī looks at the creative features of te reo Māori and te ao Māori. Although this was a completely new experience, the tauira came in eager and ready to learn.
In the first lessons we talked about carvings and patterns that could be seen in a wharenui (meeting house). After exploring and understanding different designs each tauira were given a task to research features of their own whare and find out what stories or history they could find. The tauira were amazing at show casing their learning through sharing a video reel and the history of a rangatira who stands as a pou on their whare Wana ake nei!
Another area we looked at was Kīwaha (proverbial sayings). All tauira really got stuck into this learning, looking at different idea’s of kīwaha and how they can turn everyday sayings into Māori kīwaha. Here are some of the kīwaha tauira came up with.
In the last 5 weeks, we took a big jump and looked at the layout of whaikōrero. Although this was a big project, tauira were excited and took got stuck into the mahi. We worked as a group and one on one throughout this project. As their kaiako, I am very proud of their mahi and efforts
Ngā rangatira mō āpōpō ka tika!