Hero photograph
Image attribution: Lake Rerewhakaaitu School
Photo by Kōtui Ako VLN

Te Whare Rumaki o Kōtui Ako - tūhono mai e te whānau

Rachel Whalley —

Nau mai, piki mai koutou katoa ki tēnei akomanga, ki tēnei whare ako. We have an exciting opportunity for kura and ākonga around the motu to join our Rūmaki class.

"Tōku reo tōku ohooho,

tōku reo tōku māpihi maurea,

tōku reo tōku whakakai marihi."

He karanga tēnei ki ngā tamariki i tipu ake i te reo Māori.

Nau mai, piki mai koutou katoa ki tēnei akomanga, ki tēnei whare ako.

We have an exciting opportunity for kura and ākonga around the motu to join our Rūmaki class.

What is a Rūmaki class?

This class is taught 100% in reo Māori - full immersion and is for students who speak te reo Māori well or fluently

It is designed to bring together to be immersed in their reo and ahurea Māori.

What will these ākonga learn?

These ākonga will have the opportunity to learn and discuss all aspects of Te Ao Māori such as hītori, whakapapa, tikanga, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, te kīngitanga etc.
In the first year ākonga will have the opportunity to cover the following:

  1. Pūkōrero: This focuses on writing and presenting a speech in the topic of their choice to the class.

  2. Taku tuākiritanga: Ākonga will look into their family history and background to discuss taonga tha represent them and their whānau.

  3. Mana rangahau: Bringing together their creativity and curious researching skill on a topic of their choice and presenting that to the class.

This is a space for tamariki around Aotearoa who have been raised in te reo, who may have been in Kohanga and Kura Kaupapa and are now in mainstream schools.

This aims to support kura and meet the needs of these ākonga  by bringing tamariki together with our Kaiarahi Mātauranga Māori, Tewaiehu Savage, to maintain and strengthen their reo.

We are inviting you to join Te Whare Rūmaki o Kōtui Ako and be a part of our Rūmaki whānau.

Expressions of interest are invited for ākonga in Years 5 - 8 who are fluent in reo Māori, from schools who do not have their own rumaki, or access to specialist Māori support.

Schools or whānau who are interested please contact tewaiehu.savage@kotuiako.school.nz

There is no cost to participate, Kōtui Ako VLN will be sponsoring this year.