Hero photograph
Photo by Jenni Hammonds

From pencil sketch to postage!

Jenni Hammonds —

Learning online is just as real as pen and paper in a classroom - we can post you the proof!

Last year our design class finished off the year with a brief to design a stamp. Our sketches developed over several weeks and were then submitted into a nationwide competition run by TENZ (Technology Education New Zealand). 

The brief: design a 'sensational' stamp that shows what native plants and animals, wild places, or environmental issues you think Forest and Bird should be focused on over the next 100 years.

All of student designs were well received, but one in particular really impressed NZ Post. So much so that they printed her water colour illustration onto actual stamps!

NZ Post: We thought that the design was well developed, and beautifully balanced. The combination of bird and native hibiscus was an excellent idea. We thought that the illustration would work well at stamp size. We also enjoyed seeing her workings and development of the design.
Image by: Jenni Hammonds

Kōtui Ako VLN are looking forward to using the stamps for posting special correspondence around the motu - and Valerie and her school (South Westland Area School) will be able to do the same!

Check out all of our entries and more about the design process on our 2023 article, Stamping our kaupapa.

Ngā mihi nui to TENZ, Forest & Bird and NZ Post for a great opportunity!