Growing good digital citizens
Netsafety week held earlier this term was a timely reminder to consider how we support our tamariki and rangatahi to thrive in the digital world.
This recent case study illustrates that becoming a great online learner:
Is a continual and unique journey.
That children need to learn how to engage with technology and each other.
It's a joint effort - students, teachers, schools and VLN together.
From time to time our young people don’t alway make the best choices and we support them to learn from this. Recently we had an incident where a student used their school email, out of school time, to send inappropriate emails. This isn’t a regular occurance in our learning network, but from time to time it can happen.
Kōtui Ako responded by sharing information with school leaders, and recommending these resources on Netsafe:
This resource goes through key factors for school leaders and staff to consider when they respond to a digital incident.
This resource has brochures for your parent community in English Maori, Tongan, Samoan and Simplified Chinese.
They say It takes a village to raise a child - our learners are part of our global village and incidents such as this are an opportunity for them to learn more about good digital citizenship.