Hero photograph
A bientôt, e noho rā M@rie
Photo by Rachel Whalley

Bonjour tout le monde

Marie Testud —

This is the end of the VLN Primary and New Zealand journey for me. I had such a good time here, over the last three years, meet so many people, saw so many beautiful places, and experience the kiwi culture.

I'm glad I had the opportunity to work with you guys, and Rachel trust me to be part of your team for a two years.
VLN Primary is just amazing, kids are so bright, they want to learn, and it's such a good opportunity for them.I just would like to say a huge MERCI (thank you) to you all, as this journey wouldn't have been the same without your cooperation. It wasn't always easy, but I feel lucky and I learned a lot through this experience.Please keep in touch, and if one day you make it to Europe, make sure you come and visit me. My place is a really, really remote place, so it will remind you home. And if students want to go to study in France as well, please do not hesitate to ask me if you need any help.Thanks as well to the schools I was able to visit. It was good to see students in their environment. I attached photos from Te Miro, Orere and Haast school. Sorry for the other schools, I wish I had time to come and visit all of you guys.For the schools I didn't have time to come and visit, I will send you a little something for the kids.Merci beaucoup, thanks, kapai!A bientôt, e noho rā.M@rie