Hero photograph
Photo by Jenni Hammonds

Kaiarataki Tuakana Teina: Leadership & support

Julie O'Donnell —

Mixed and whole classes provide opportunities for students to support their peers and take their own learning to the next level - this was especially the case with Te Reo Māori.

Mareikura Wilson and Harmonyce Richmond from Te Poi are two tauira who have gone from strength to strength with their reo. They have become kaiarataki, or leaders in the class by taking their learning to the next level in Zoom, but especially in the videos they have created. We learn the kupu and phrases in Zoom and then the girls jump on Seesaw and make the follow up activities their own, creating videos with expression and enthusiasm! 

Image by: Jenni Hammonds

He aha tēnei?

Kei te pēhea koe?

Kei te pēhea tōku teina?

Their knowledge has also flowed out to the rest of the group. They have naturally formed a tuakana teina relationship with the younger tamariki at Te Poi, supporting them with their independent learning. As kaiako we plant the kākano (seed) of learning but the joy of being a teacher is watching it grow.