2023 Annual Reports
Rachel Whalley - June 26, 2024
2023 was our first full year operating as Kōtui Ako | Virtual Learning Network Aotearoa. The merger to a single Y0 - 13 organisation has been a big focus for our leadership team this year and has involved a significant amount of time and energy on top of business as usual. Our collective capacity has grown with Primary and Secondary working together to extend learning pathways for ākonga across our programmes, provide professional support for e-teachers, and communicate with schools and the sector. We are working on aligning our system processes, and are sharing resources and personnel.
Our VLN contract with the MoE concluded this year. The contract was initiated to create a single national VLN that would enable a consistent national approach that will be inclusive of more schools and learners. The regular dialogue with Ministry of Education staff has provided support and acknowledgement of our role in the education sector. Although policy development has not been forthcoming during this time we have benefitted from access to TELA laptops, and access to Ministry of Education expertise in ICT infrastructure and systems. We have been consulted on the development of Connected Ako (Digital Strategy) and are waiting in the wings for an opportunity to join Te Rito. Our schools have benefitted from funding support to increase participation in VLN learning opportunities.
Participation in the MoE funded PLD Networks of Expertise continues to make a significant difference in our teachers’ professional growth and capability. Kōtuitui NEX provides time and opportunity for teachers to connect and collaborate, and share and strengthen practice. It has enabled teachers to collaborate on curriculum development, and create resources, including several case studies that illustrate how Kōtui Ako VLN is working in our schools. It has strengthened connections between primary and secondary teachers, with both participating together in most PLD activities.
We were successful in renewing our application with the Teaching Council as a registered educational setting. This is really important to maintain our teachers professional status and accreditation and contributes to our retention of experienced eteachers on our team. Nine of our Primary eteacher team have been with us for 5 years or more.
Sustainability of funding, and education policy for online teaching and learning, resourcing and support for Kōtui Ako VLN are ongoing issues that we continue to advocate for.
Some highlights from the 2023 year were:
Celebrating ākonga - sharing highlights of students’ mahi.
Attended Te Hapori Matihiko Awards - Tewaiehu Savage, our Kaiārahi Mātauranga Māori, was a finalist in the Rangitiratanga Award.
NZSL - New Zealand Sign Language returns to Kōtui Ako VLN with experienced deaf educator Janine Campbell.
Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori - Māori Language Moment 2023 during Te Wiki o te reo Māori
Kōtuitui NEX end of year hui - Teachers attended face to face in Auckland, Rotorua and online.