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Contribute to online networked learning in Aotearoa - the kaupapa of reciprocity

Rachel Whalley —

Did you know that any school, and any learner can participate in Kōtui Ako VLN? By contributing a teacher or resourcing a programme your ākonga can choose from a wide range of learning opportunities shared through our network. We would love you to participate!

What teaching strengths and expertise could you bring to our national learning network that would benefits all our learners? What opportunities could your learners access through our shared network? This is the fundamental principal of reciprocity that underpins how the Kōtui Ako VLN works.

Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora te tamaiti.

With so many schools now familiar with connecting with their learners online through past Covid experiences, this should be an easy next step for many to make. By contributing to the Kōtui Ako VLN schools network you are extending curriculum choices at your school, supporting ākonga to be flexible and independent learners and building skills and confidence in your school in online teaching and learning. Together we grow capacity in our schooling system. Kīwaha! Give it a go!

For Primary Schools, this initiative works in partnership with the Ministry of Education, who fund our operational base and participating schools who contribute the curriculum (either with a teacher or resourcing). For Secondary Schools, contribution of an e-teacher and some operational costs are required.

Now is a good time to plan to participate for next year. Teachers, schools, Kāhui Ako, discuss how you could collaborate in this initiative.

If you share our vision of 'Ākonga living their best lives' we would love to hear from you. 

Our Strategic Goals are to:

  • Ensure equitable educational outcomes 
  • Create high quality learning pathways 
  • Build teaching and leadership capacity for online learning 
  • Honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi to support Māori learners 
  • Enable a collaborative community of schools throughout Aotearoa 
  • Advocate for sustainable online learning

Visit our website to learn more and contact us at primary@kotuiako.school.nz or secondary@kotuiako.school.nz