Design & process
Jenni Hammonds - November 13, 2022
Students have been working through the design process to create a logo. After choosing a product or service of interest they crafted a catchy name and tagline to suit. Google Images provided a range of logos for inspiration then they set to work sketching out several designs of their own.
After presenting designs to the class, the group voted on their favourites. Designers took on board feedback and selected one to continue with and repeated the process to refine their illustration. Students selected colours and fonts to compliment their design, and finally arranged all the components to create a logo that reflected their company.
To give insight into their thinking and replicate what a graphic designer would do, students presented final logos on a slide annotated with design decisions. Check out a few more annotated logos in the gallery of images.
This process tied nicely into L3 Technology objectives around identifying key stages to develop an outcome, reviewing progress, and explaining intended outcomes. It also connected with L3 Visual Arts objectives which ask students to develop visual ideas in response to a variety of motivations and communicate and interpret their own and others' designs.
Design with Jen Hammonds (2022)