Join the virtual tour from Oban, Rakiura/Stewart Island by Betty (Halfmoon Bay School)

Join a virtual tour of Ulva Island

Tino pai rawe to Kōtui Ako VLN Aotearoa (Primary) Primary Digital Technologies students at Halfmoon Bay School for their mahi and creativity coding interactive games about their local histories.

Students used Scratch block-based programming language to program interactive activities, and create original images. 

Saddleback — Image by: Betty (Halfmoon Bay School)

This informative Scratch programme about Ulva Island has original created backgrounds and characters, and crammed full of authentic details right down to the red band gumboots. Tino pai rawe Betty! A Principals Award is on its way!

Leopard Seal - West End Beach, Ulva Island — Image by: Rachel Whalley