Holiday home concept designs

Ashriel Calixto, Ellesmere College (Top); Clinton Raynel, Mercury Bay Area School (Bottom)

Holiday Homes designed by students!

See the incredible design work of Year 12 students, Clinton Raynel, Mercury Bay Area School, and Ashriel Calixto, Ellesmere College.

Students studying NCEA Level 2 DVC (Design and Visual Communication) have been working on a year-long design portfolio with embedded achievement standards. Students are placed in a scenario where they are an architect working to meet the needs and desires of their stakeholders (usually their parents) in the development of a beach bach.

Students begin with an interview, from which they take the information they have gained away to formulate bubble diagrams. Feedback is gained at every stage of the process so their project is client driven. Information regarding the client's preferences feeds into the development of 3 conceptual designs.

Conceptual designs are new home information packages. The favoured features from each design are incorporated into the student’s final design. Once a final design is established, students look at ISO (international standards organisation) to then present their work or 'working drawings' in a format that tradespeople would follow to construct the outcome.

Some students go on to promote their design to an audience. At level 2 students generally select a section to work with. This helps them to lay out their design with regard to views and boundaries etc.

Examples of the concept design work of two students, Clinton Raynel, Mercury Bay Area School, and Ashriel Calixto, Ellesmere College, show the detail and complexity of their design projects and their impressive creative ability.

e-teacher:  Richard Pincham, Mercury Bay Area School