by Amanda King

Wero Maths - a mathematics challenge with a difference!

Each year the secondary Wero Mathematics competition creates a lot of excitement and interest for our Year 9 and 10 contestants. This year was no exception!

Our annual Wero Mathematics competition was run in Term 3. Over one hundred Year 9 and 10 students, from participating secondary schools, were involved over the 10 weeks. Co-ordinated and run by experienced mathematics teacher, Jean Meier, students are pitted against one another, in school-based teams.

Each week online, Jean presents students with stimulating mathematics challenges that need to be solved fast, using various problem-solving techniques. Points are gained by teams who answer problems correctly and as quickly as possible. Over the term, points accumulate to reveal the overall winners of each of the Pools.

This year students from Bream Bay College, Thames High School, Mercury Bay Area School and Ruapehu College were amongst the winning teams. By all accounts, students have thoroughly enjoyed this experience, and for some this being their second year competing!

I would like to thank Jean for the special opportunity she provides for Kōtui Ako students and the highly professional way in which she engages with them to foster their joy of mathematics!