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Kōtui Ako | Virtual Learning Network Aotearoa

Celebrating Ākonga 2023

Nau mai, haere mai ki te Kura Tuatahi - Akonga Aka Mariko

Kia ora koutou katoa, Kia orāna, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Nĭ hăo 你好, Annyoung haseyo 안녕하세요, Namaste, Assalām alaikum, Hola, Bonjour, Hallo!

We're coming to the end of another successful year of learning at Kōtui Ako VLN. To celebrate the success of ākonga from across the motu we have compiled some highlights of the awesome mahi taking place in our schools.

Read, look and listen to some of the highlights shared by several of our eTeachers, from both primary and secondary, who bring ākonga together for a range of interesting and challenging online programmes. 

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa

Kōtui Ako VLN eteachers and leadership team

This is our first year as Kōtui Ako Virtual Learning Network Aotearoa (formerly VLN Primary and OLC) and its been a busy one! Kōtui Ako VLN is a nation-wide schools-based network (Years 0 -13) that enables equity of access to the curriculum for all New Zealand learners.
If you want to know more about Secondary programmes contact
Registrations are open now for Primary programmes contact for more information


Sailing into the new curriculum

by Jenni Hammonds

Working with the Aotearoa Histories curriculum continues to be an awesome hands-on journey allowing student choice and creativity.

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James' digital kākāpo

Stamping our kaupapa

by Jenni Hammonds

Our visual arts students entered the TENZ, Forest & Bird, and New Zealand Post stamp competition and picked up a flock of awards!

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Business Studies in Action

by Sara Field

Kōtui Ako students studying Business Studies NCEA L3, from across Āotearoa, are carrying out their business activities this term. Read about one student’s business outcome to support others.

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Rangatira ake nei!

by Tewaiehu Savage

Ngā rangatira mō āpōpō, the tauira of Moawhango School jumped into new and exciting discoveries with our new program Te Puna o Te Kī.

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Students coding interactive programmable devices

by Lucie Lindsay

Digital Technologies Extension students have been coding tiny pocket sized computers that have LED light displays, sensors, and interactive buttons.

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Ruakaka Estuary

Human impact on local environment

by Sue McCarthny, Orewa College

Education for Sustainability students are looking to make a difference in their local communities through environmental awareness.

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Ōmata students making guacamole

Holy guacamole!

by Kathleen Saso

The Ōmata School Spanish class has consistently shown passion and dedication to their learning of the Spanish language. Gracias to the students and their fabuloso classroom teachers!

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Holiday home concept designs

Holiday Homes designed by students!

by Amanda King

See the incredible design work of Year 12 students, Clinton Raynel, Mercury Bay Area School, and Ashriel Calixto, Ellesmere College.

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Join the virtual tour from Oban, Rakiura/Stewart Island

Join a virtual tour of Ulva Island

by Lucie Lindsay

Tino pai rawe to Kōtui Ako VLN Aotearoa (Primary) Primary Digital Technologies students at Halfmoon Bay School for their mahi and creativity coding interactive games about their local histories.

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Wero Maths - a mathematics challenge with a difference!

by Amanda King

Each year the secondary Wero Mathematics competition creates a lot of excitement and interest for our Year 9 and 10 contestants. This year was no exception!

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Final design

Logo design: Process & product

by Jenni Hammonds

One of the biggest things I notice teaching design is that students will often create something once and be done with it. The process is short and sweet, but the result doesn’t reach its full potential.

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