Kia ora koutou katoa, Kia orāna, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Nĭ hăo 你好, Annyoung haseyo 안녕하세요, Namaste, Assalām alaikum, Hola, Bonjour, Hallo!
Our students and teachers share their festive greetings along with some reo Māori to practice over the summer break. Listen to our Virtual Christmas Card with images by, and voices of our talented ākonga. Check out the designs that were sent in vying for a place on our 2024 card. Ka rawe! We are really proud of the efforts and achievements of our learners this year. You can see examples of this in our recent pānui, Celebrating Student Mahi.
It is with great sadness we acknowledged the passing of Nikki Kaye recently. Nikki was a future focused leader who realised the potential of educational technology to make a difference in the lives of young people. Without her championing our mahi we wouldn't be here today, we owe Nikki an enormous debt of gratitude. Moe mai ra wahine toa!
The Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons Learned has just released its first report and its recommendations for the schooling sector make interesting reading. How can schools be better equipped to meet the challenges and uncertainties of future disruptive events?
Congratulations to our senior students who gained recognition for their achievements and commitment to their online learning. Special mention to Papakura High School student, Hine Fungavaka, who received an Overall Academic Excellence award for online learning. Our enrolments for 2025 are now in full swing, find out more about our secondary programmes and how to participate.
Our primary programmes are also underway, our team is keen for you to get your interest in early and have stumped up an NZSL clock as a prize draw for schools who register before the end of the school year. Find all the information you need for getting started with Primary online programmes in 2025.
Kōtuitui our PLD Network of Expertise had a busy and productive year, catch up with the activities of our eteacher professional network with our 2024 Snapshot.
Wishing you all a Meri Kirihimete me Hari Tau Hou!
Ngā mihi maioha
Rachel, Amanda and the Kōtui Ako VLN team