Rachel Whalley — Apr 2, 2020

The VLN Primary is being funded by the MoE to extend their programmes to more schools and learners during Term 2 and Covid19. We can work with your teachers and students whether they are at home or school, or both, and support you with your online learning provisions. Find out more about this opportunity and share with your school network.

Who is this for? Schools who need support providing online distance learning to their students. Schools who want their students to access learning opportunities that are not available in their own school, and who want their teachers to become more confident and familiar with teaching in online environments. Schools who want to become more future-focused, flexible and resilient through building their capacity in online teaching and learning.

What do we provide? Online programmes for students, alongside PLD support for teachers to share the learning and resources further.

When does it run? Enrolments are taken during Term 2. Classes run for 10 weeks.

Does your school need support? What to do next...

1. Look over the programmes offered during our Covid19 response:

They include:

2. Read over what is recommended for your students and teachers:

In brief…

3. Enrol with VLN Primary to express your interest in participating

In brief…

Once we’ve confirmed your enrolment ...

Schools are sent a spreadsheet to complete and provide details for a selection of students, and teacher/s, for the available programme/s. We recommend you:

Select students who …

Select teachers who …

Important links:

Secondary learning opportunities
PLD opportunities

Equity across schools in need

Rather than working with all of the interested students of a limited number of schools, we are hoping to make this opportunity available to more schools in need. To do this we are modelling how we work in our online classes, with a manageable number of students on Zoom (up to 15). Your teachers will be in these Zoom sessions, giving them a better understanding of:

If your school has students that were not able to participate, due to limited numbers, your own teachers will be better positioned to provide a similar model of online learning. We will support your teachers in their journey. Resources likely to be available:

Enrolments will not be accepted directly from parents or whānau. If you are interested in this opportunity for your children please contact your school.

If you have any questions about how we can work with you please contact rachel.whalley@vln.school.nz 

Note that our current VLN Primary classes will continue running as usual from 15th April.