Jenni Hammonds — May 25, 2021

We had a great uptake from schools enrolling gifted learners in VLN Primary's range of online programmes free of charge - and now we're ready for our semester two enrolments.

The Ministry of Education granted VLN Primary funding to support gifted learners access a range of online learning opportunities free of charge. Semester one placements were available in Going Deeper, Mentoring and our prospectus programmes. Semester two enrolments will be open to placements in a selection of prospectus programmes only.

Students will also have access to VLNP OurSpace on GoBubble - a safe social networking platform for students to connect, share ideas and socialise with like-minded peers. 

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for fully funded participation in one or all of the above programmes, students need to be:

There are limited spaces available. Students will be admitted on a first in first served basis. 

What do schools need to provide?

Schools enrolling students also agree to several provisions so their students are supported in their online learning.

Professional support relating to gifted & talented will be available to teachers and schools.

How it works

Students dedicate an hour each week to their chosen programme/s. On average 30 minutes of this will be video conferencing via Zoom with their peers and/or VLNP teacher. Students will engage with independent activities for the remaining time using Seesaw or Google Classroom. 

What programme are on offer?

Choose from a range of languages including te reo, digital technologies, creative arts, literacy, maths and science. Check out what 15 week programmes are on offer for semester two in 2021.

Classes begin week starting 26th July 2021 (Week 1, Term 3).

Interested? Next steps...

1. Register 

New to VLN Primary? Register your school's interest with contact details and indication of programme interest. 

2. Identify & discuss 

For each student you'll need to identify their gifted characteristics using this Google Form.

Talk to your students about what programmes would suit the interests and learning styles. Our prospectus programmes are guided by the teacher, some offer extension, others introduce the subject. It's important to identify student prior knowledge. Only 15 week programmes are available in semester two. 

3. Enrol

Enrol your students for our semester two prospectus programmes (15 week options) by 28th June 2021. Make a copy of our enrolment Google Sheet and share with

Student support from the school plays an important role so knowing these details make take time to organise. The enrolment spreadsheet will require details for each student, class choice, identification documentation, learning needs and the available adult support for each student. 

Contact if you have any queries.

Interested in full year gifted & talented opportunties in 2022?

Mentor Support: guidance from teachers, peers and professionals for self-motivated learners to develop a burning passion into a project. 

Gifted & Going Deeper: a programme specifically designed to inspire creativity, personal development and deeper thinking. More info here. 

Full range of prospectus programmes: Choose from a range of languages including te reo, digital technologies, creative arts, literacy, maths and science or integrated programmes such as future planning. Check out what was on offer in 2021. We welcome suggestions not currently available.