Welcome to new Governance members at our recent Annual General Meeting
Rachel Whalley - May 27, 2023
Kōtui Ako VLN recently held its first AGM and are delighted to welcome six new governance members, all experienced and respected leaders from our participating schools.
It was another milestone moment for our new organisation as we thanked the outgoing Inaugural Governance Group for their support and guidance in bringing VLN Primary and OLC together as Kōtui Ako. Thanks to Ruth Anderson (Chair), Rachael Tuwhangai (Te Ao Māori), Sue Winters (OLC) and Rick Whalley (VLN Primary).
A strong turnout from our member schools smashed our quorum and decided the vote for the election of new trustees. Thanks for all those who put themselves forward for this role. Duly elected trustees are:
- Mikaere October (Te Ao Māori), Principal, Waiheke High School
- Keryl Lee, Principal, Tapora School
- Rick Whalley, Principal, Lake Rerewhakaaitu School
- Michael Houghton, Principal, Dargaville High School
- Brendan Carroll, Principal, Reporoa College
- Ally Gibbs, Principal, Mulberry Grove School
Independent Chair Ruth Anderson was reappointed by the new Governance Group for another term.