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A few spaces left!

Jenni Hammonds —

We're compiling class numbers and there are a several programmes where a few more students will make the difference. Get students to check out what's up for grabs...

Once they've taken a gander, register student interest here.

Astronomy. Explore this interactive introduction to the solar system where curiosity and inquiry are encouraged. Take a trip to the outer-world of planets, stars, moons, the sun... to the galaxy and beyond!

Design-a-thon. Get your creative juices flowing and try your hand at designing a logo for a dream company, as well as a new lounge, funky clothes, and a favourite cartoon! You'll be able to focus on your area of expertise with a personal designer project.

Web design with Google Sites. Decipher how the world wide web arrives at your finger tips - then create your own Google website ready to share with the world (well, your friends & family)! Learn how to catch people's attention with classy designs, YouTube vids and stand-out images.

Afrikaans. South Africa is a country full of culture and home to a unique language derived from Dutch. You'll learn to wrap your tongue around an expressive and rhythmic language and be saying dankie! (thanks!) and lekker! (nice!) in no time. 

Code it. The secret language of code can be unlocked as you tap into JavaScript with Starwars, rescue Monkeys with Python and build your own game on Scratch. You'll also debug a melting snowman, and colour an exploding star with the help of NASA!

Future Skills. What would you do with $50,000? Find out, when you land a job (pay your taxes), hunt for a flat on TradeMe, head to Countdown to fill the cupboards, and search for the best deal on a new outfit for work. It's all part of life, so get ahead with Future Skills!

MRS GREN. Nope, she's not a lady, but it is what connects every living thing on Earth! Find out what makes a cats and dogs so different? And why the Kiwi can't fly... You'll have a chance for some hands-on activities and simple experiments to bring science to life.

Gifted & Going Deeper. Can you make a vehicle for an egg? What about combine a cat with caterpillar? Delving into creativity challenges sits alongside unpacking what it means to be 'gifted', as well as critically responding to moral & ethical dilemmas, whoah! 

Literacy Booster. A programme developed to empower Year 5, 6, & 7 students with improved literacy skills and confidence in a range of reading and writing areas.

Filipino language & culture. A beginning class is offered to students who wish to brush up on the basics and to other students who are interested learning the national languages of the Philippines.