Rachel Whalley — Feb 25, 2016

Our AGM is coming up soon, and we are looking for new trustees who will help take our work to the next level. If you are passionate about empowering our young people with equity & access to education, you have networks and experience in business and community, and are serious about making a difference then we need you!

The Governance Group are responsible for overseeing the strategic and financial planning of the VLN Primary School. They also support the VLN Primary School management team to provide primary schools with:

The Governance Group has broad discretion to develop the manner in which the services are provided and how the financial resources are best utilised.

Key Goals for 2016/17 are:

The persons we are looking for will:

Within the Governance Group we aim to have a mix of skills including:

The positions are non-remunerated.

Meetings are monthly during the school year, online.

Positions may be elected by member schools, or seconded as necessary to complement and strengthen the existing board.
(8.1 The Governance Group will comprise of no less that five (5) elected Governance members and no more than Ten (10) Governance members in total. This could include three (3) additional members who may be co opted onto the Governance Group by elected members. VLN Primary School Constitution)

Expressions of Interest are invited to:

Rachel Whalley

ePrincipal VLN Primary School


The Virtual Learning Network (VLN) Primary School is a collaboration of schools throughout New Zealand working together to improve educational opportunities for students through online learning. The VLN Primary School Governance Group is a charitable trust formed by its participating member schools and supported in part by the MoE.

Our main goal is to provide equity and access to learning opportunities for NZ students through online learning.

We coordinate and support many different virtual classes and projects that are run by teachers from our participating schools and through partnership with other organisations and expert teachers.


