Hero video
Moanataiari Students 2018
Video by VLN Primary

Listening to our learners

Rachel Whalley —

Students feedback is important for us to improve our online teaching practice, and schools to target their support. Here is what these children have to say:

Listen to the video for children's messages to the Minister of Education about online learning.

Further to this conversation, the children discussed some of the challenges they had:

  • getting confused with changes to the timetable & teachers
  • setting up for class in time, when sharing with other students
  • slow computers and internet problems
  • getting into the right Google classroom and accessing Google classroom from home 
  • Google classrooms that weren't updated

This year has seen a lot of teacher changes throughout the year as a result times & Zoom rooms have changed, so we have trialled a one stop portal with instant clicks to zoom rooms and teacher contacts. This means that children will only have to remember one easy url, which will have updated changes & can be posted in their classroom. The portal url will be shared with our participating VLN Primary schools ahead of 2019 classes.

Technical problems are still a concern. Using slow old computers is not helpful for our students - feedback from some students is that Chromebooks work well, individual or shared between two. Some schools are awaiting infrastructure updates, some rural schools are still not getting reliable fast internet, sometimes it's our eteachers who don't have a reliable connection or equipment. We are applying for Pub Charity funding to equip more of our eteachers with updated laptops.

Student support is critical for our students to achieve success, this resource helps schools understand and implement support for our online learners.