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Filipino Children Connecting Online with Tagalog

VLN Primary School —

Did you know there are approximately 10,000 Filipino students attending New Zealand schools? As a result of the employment of a large number of Filipino's in the agricultural sector, their children will be attending rural schools, and are often isolated from their home language and culture.

Since 2016 Rosmini College's senior Filipino students have been teaching Tagalog language classes. Enrolment in these classes has since doubled, and more classes will be brought on line at different times to accommodate the need.

If you have Filipino students in your class, consider enrolling them in one of these classes. The classes have shown that these students will build more communication confidence and bring them into contact with other Filipino students around New Zealand who may feel similarly isolated.

Watch a video clip of Rosmini College student, John Yap talking about teaching the Filipino language Tagalog & promoting cultural awareness.

Classes are also open to non-Filipino students who would like to learn this Asian language spoken by over 100 million people.

You can register your students here. Contact Geoff Wood (gwood@rosmini.school.nz) with any queries.