Kōtui Ako | Virtual Learning Network Aotearoa

Nau mai, haere mai ki te Kōtui Ako | Virtual Learning Network Aotearoa

Kia ora koutou katoa, Kia orāna, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Nĭ hăo 你好, Annyoung haseyo 안녕하세요, Namaste, Assalām alaikum, Hola, Bonjour, Hallo!

With Matariki upon us, schools and whānau are busy celebrating this special occasion with shared kai, and get togethers. When schools' hangi and sleepovers are complete at the end of the week, teachers will soon be able to rest and reflect on an incredibly busy year so far. Please take time, when you have had a chance to unwind, to dip into this newsletter and share with your colleagues. (They can subscribe here).

Chairperson Ruth Anderson, in her report presented at our Inaugural AGM, outlines the journey to becoming Kōtui Ako, acknowledges partnerships with the Ministry of Education and others that enable us to provide opportunities for our learners, and states the key strategic goals that we have committed to. Links to a full set of reports including ePrincipal reports (Primary & Secondary) are included.

Ākonga share their experiences in Education for Sustainability as they look to make a difference in their local communities in Ruakaka and Orewa through environmental awareness. Our Rural and Remote kids write about and share presentations of highlights from their recent Wellington Camp. This successful project has been running for 12 years, and this was their 6th camp!

We are very excited to announce that Tewaiehu Savage has been selected as a finalist in the Matihiko Awards for her leadership in Kōtui Ako. The Matihiko Awards celebrate Māori excellence in the digital and tech sector. We are very proud of her achievement. Tewaiehu will be leading after school sessions for teachers next term through NEX Kōtuitui in te reo Māori me tīkanga. These places were snapped up very quickly but we invite you to register your interest for further opportunities. 

NZ Sign Language classes will be kicking off again next term, and is open to all schools and year levels. We are just in the process of getting new expertise onboard and look forward to being able to support this important NZ language again.

Tutoring has been running successfully through Kōtui Ako VLN for the last three terms. A reminder to get in touch if you would like support in this area.

Wishing all our eteachers, teachers, Principals and support staff a restful holiday break.

Mānawatia a Matariki

Rachel, Amanda and the Kōtui Ako VLN team

  1. 2022 Annual Reports

    Chairperson Ruth Anderson, in her report presented to our Inaugural AGM, outlines the journey to becoming Kōtui Ako, acknowledges ... Read more…
  2. Human impact on local environment

    Education for Sustainability students are looking to make a difference in their local communities through environmental awareness. Read more…
  3. Rural & Remote kids Wellington camp

    18 students from Halfmoon Bay, Makuri, Ngamatapouri & Tapora schools met in Wellington for the Rural & Remote Schools camp. This is ... Read more…
  4. Recognising rangatiratanga

    The Matihiko Awards celebrate Māori excellence in the digital and technology sector. These awards honour those who have made ... Read more…
  5. Māori language for beginners - Te Waharoa

    Our Te Waharoa ki Te Reo Māori program in Term Three for teachers has filled up quickly, however please continue to register your ... Read more…
  6. NZSL - New Zealand Sign Language returning to Kōtui Ako VLN

    We LOVE that we will soon be able to offer New Zealand Sign Language classes online again. Starting Term 3! Read more…
  7. Tutoring support in schools

    We know that schools can sometimes have difficulty finding teachers, relief staff and support teachers, especially our small rural ... Read more…