Darren Sudlow — Jun 24, 2019

Registration is open for our inaugural National Hui held in Rotorua.

Find out more on the Event page

Members can apply to have travel costs covered here (must be NZ teachers).

This is a full day event, focused on exploring themes of relevance for any educator currently engaging in the provision of online learning in New Zealand. Whether as a teacher, leader, eDean or researcher we extend a warm welcome to those who want to connect with others in their field.

Renowned expert in the field, Steve Wheeler will be our keynote (via Video Conference) and will support activities leading up to, during and subsequent to the event.

Particular themes of interest will include:

The day will run in a fluid, unconference style with participants forming groups around themes that interest them. Many of these will be driven by registrants in the weeks leading up to the Hui.