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The Communities of Practice


This is a self-organising, peer-supported learning community that provides a range of ways to participate

If you want to operate on a light, peripheral level, look over resources, engage in a few discussions then you can do so.

If you want to engage at a deep level and become an active member of a community of practice(s) focused on exploring a particular problem of practice then you can.

In a Community of Practice (COP) Group activities are problem and inquiry-based focusing on creating, implementing, and improving solutions on practice-related problems. Theories and explanations are developed through collaborative dialogues and learning in action.

What are the success factors of a community?

  • Personal investment. Participants are prepared to invest their time and effort to further develop themselves as a better online teacher, for the benefits of their students.
  • Mutual investment. Participants are prepared to participate actively in this community, and willing to create new community knowledge collaboratively for the community, with the understanding that “reciprocity must exist in the exchange of resources, supports, and services.”

Legitimate peripheral participation

  • Situated membership. Participants may take part in one or more groups. As a busy professional, some of them may not be able to commit themselves as a core member of a group. Peripheral participation is legitimate in this community. However, to sustain the community, a critical mass of core members who are willing to learn in action is needed.

Join a group now and get involved.