Jenni Hammonds — Apr 16, 2019

NEX can be a vibrant, dynamic community exploring issues of relevance and worth for online educators. A place to grow as both a teacher and learner. Your contributions are what makes NEX valuable.

Thanks Moana Road and Rocketbook

Our sponsors have kindly donated NEX a range of products that relate to online learning including scannable/reusable notebooks, wireless headphones, powerbanks, and splitter jacks. This is your chance to get your hands on great products for free!

How do you get in on the goods?

1. Register with NEX


Create a profile including a profile picture, your name, a bit of a blurb about yourself and the name of your school / organisation.

2. Join a group

Look for “Groups” and join the Lounge.

You can also join General Discussion, and other groups relevant to your position.

Notification of posts to each group can be on the site, via your ‘stream’, or by email - you choose.  

3. Make a post

Post an introduction in the Lounge that outlines a bit about yourself. Include hashtags of areas of educational interest

Use our competition hashtag if you’re keen to be in the draw to win! Prizes will be drawn & posted mid-May.

e.g. #competition #studentagency #knowledgebuilding #community