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by Penny O'Brien

Cultural Responsiveness

Amy Millar - March 4, 2021

Kia ora Koutou,

This year I have the Within School Leadership Role of Cultural Responsiveness. This role involves working alongside the Across Schools Leader of Cultural Responsiveness and helping to equip kaiako, tamariki and the  hāpori of Ngā Puna Tapuwai with a knowledge of tikanga (values and practices) and reo (language).

This year we have the following learning opportunities planned to help with this.

Term 1: Learning and presenting our pepeha. Kaimahi  are also working on their pepeha and will have these displayed in learning areas and the office by the end of the term. We also have an optional visit to Te Taumutu Rūnanga Marae to be involved in a mihi whakatau and learn some of the history of our local marae.

Term 2: Matariki celebrations. We will learn about the significance of Matariki in Māori culture, the tikanga around this and how it is celebrated. A school-community hangi will be held over this time to celebrate the Māori New Year.

Term 3: FUSH - We hope to plan another evening with Anton from FUSH. This is an opportunity to learn some te reo Māori while eating delicious kai from the FUSH Waka.

Term 4: Prizegiving and Lincoln High Performance. We will refine our kapa haka waiata (songs) and haka as we prepare for our end of year prizegiving. We also hope to invite the Kapa Haka group from Lincoln High to have a time of sharing some waiata and haka.

Throughout the year tamariki  will be involved with kapa haka once a fortnight. We will also continue with our Nga Kupu o Te Wiki Rua (phrase of the fortnight). This is a Māori phrase which we learn throughout the school. These will also be sent out to you via email every fortnight. We will also continue meeting every Rāhina (Monday) morning to start our week with a karakia and waiata together.

I am in the process of  planning a whanau hui. You will receive a Hero notification regarding this next week.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to know more about Cultural Responsiveness at Ladbrooks School.

Ngā mihi nui
