Sharon Marsh — Oct 15, 2018

1st November...... (postponed due to the poor weather forecast...will be rescheduled once the weather has improved - we will keep you posted!)

What is Outdoor Classroom Day?

Outdoor Classroom Day is a global campaign to celebrate and inspire outdoor learning and play. On the day, thousands of schools around the world take lessons outdoors and prioritise playtime.

How can you get involved....??

Each team has created opportunities on this day for children to be involved in learning in and about the outdoors. Invitations are being sent home by each team but feel free to make yourself available to join in with any team at any time :-)

* Teoteo will be heading off at 10am for a walk through the village via Coppard reserve for a runaround, stopping in at Mrs Lucks Mum and Dads to see the baby possum and eat morning tea. Onwards to Tom and Alex's house to see the baby chicks, a scavenger hunt and play in the park. Back for lunch.

*Aniwaniwa are going to be cooking a sausage sizzle for lunch using hobo stoves, as well as planting some flowering plants around our Treemendous area. We will also be taking some of our usual indoor programmes down to the outdoor classroom in the morning. We welcome parents to come and support between 11.40-12.40 with our cooking and planting! 

*Tutahi Tatau will be investigating a new Orienteering Course - your help in the afternoon would be greatly appreciated....and you'd have fun!!!!

Thanks, Nadia for inspiring us to 'get involved' (one of those RISE values!!!!)