Hero photograph
Photo by Sarah Marshall

Have you filled a bucket today?

Marie Smith —

That's what we're asking in the Teoteo team.

And our children are sharing lots of different ways they can 'fill someone's bucket', for example, asking someone to play with them, saying good morning to others, sharing toys and smiling at people.

A bucket filler is someone who says or does nice things for other people. By doing this, they are filling other people’s imaginary buckets and filling their own bucket at the same time.

Here are some questions to support your discussions with your child:

- What fills your bucket?

- How can you fill up someone else’s bucket?

- Why is it important to be a bucket filler? 

- How can you tell when someone's bucket is empty? 

- How can you tell when someone's bucket is full?

If you'd like to read the bucket filling story book at home with your child, the internet link is: 


And if you'd like to sing the bucket filling song with your child, the internet link is: 
