Home School Partnership
Rob Cavanagh - February 11, 2020
We are about to begin a whole school inquiry into Hauora (wellbeing). Each class/team will be exploring the four dimensions of Hauora: tinana (physical), hinegaro (mental & emotional), whanau (social) and wairua (spiritual) using the model of Te Whare Tapa Whā (see image).
By the end of the inquiry, we aim for students to have an understanding of how the choices people make impact their health and wellbeing.
For each of us, there are different things we can do to nurture and strengthen the walls of Te
Whare Tapa Whā and keep us well. There are events and situations that may impact one wall of
our whare that we cannot control. At these times you can draw on the foundations and other walls
until you are able to strengthen that wall again.
Within the context of your whanau consider the questions below...
What keeps each wall in place?
Which one feels strongest?
Is there one that needs more support?
What’s one thing you could put in place to strengthen that wall?