Hero photograph
Photo by Rob Cavanagh

Cross Country - Parents, Teachers and Old People 'Race'

Rob Cavanagh —

If you haven't already, dig out your runners from the bottom of the shoe box, apply your anti-chaffing cream and let's get training!

The date has been brought forward to the 31st of May, but it's only a 1km track for us 'oldies' so theres still no excuses not to participate! If you haven't run in 20+ plus years we need to work on building up distance while focusing on form. Don't worry about speed at this point. Let's call this the 'Couch Kumara to 1KM 4 Week Challenge'..!

Pick 3 days a week to go for a jog, increasing your distance by 150m each run, this will get you close to 1km by the end of week two. Keep the pace slow and focus on maintaining good posture throughout your run. Create a rhythm with your breath, 2 steps breathing in, 3 steps breathing out. Take your kids with you.

Tip: Do some dynamic stretches before you run - heres a few from runnersworld.com - These 5 Dynamic Warmup Exercises Help You Avoid Injuries by Improving Flexibility Be sure to add any extras relevant to you, such as ankle circles.These 5 Dynamic Warmup Exercises Help You Avoid Injuries by Improving Fl...

These simple stretches help you avoid injuries by improving flexibility.

Week 3 and 4 we'll focus on trying to get a bit faster, the easy way!

Remember, theres a hamper full of goodies waiting at the finish line, including a lamb leg roast, wine and chocolate!

See you on the sidewalk!!