Hero photograph
Photo by Troy Landrebe

From the desk of JOY (Jen and Troy)

Troy Landrebe —

It certainly has been an interesting start to the term for everyone at LWG.

Sean's departure at the end of Term 1 created a huge hole for the school. His dedication and leadership over the past 4 years has seen LWG go from strength to strength. Our roll is now over 400 and climbing. 

Jen and I have been given the opportunity to lead the school as Co Principals for Term 2. It is definitely an interesting time to step up, but we have such an amazing staff who have made this easy.

After 7 weeks of Google meetings, the novelty of being able to see people in person is a nice change. Over this time the staff have worked hard to produce a range of activities that were designed to engage and motivate learners. We had some wonderful feedback from parents and learners.  We would like to acknowledge our whānau who have made this all possible.  The support and encouragement you have provided your children during this time of learning at home has meant our learners have returned to school calm, settled and excited to return.

As you will be aware, at LWG we have 2 aspects to our curriculum - our academic and socio-emotional curriculums. The socio-emotional curriculum is the big focus at the moment as learners reintegrate back to life at school. We know that this needs to happen before students are ready to learn and make the type of progress we know they are capable of.

Lastly, a huge thank you to all of our parents who have been supportive at pick up and drop off and with the contact tracing procedures we have in place. We have both commented how nice it has been catching up with parents at the gates into the school.