Graeme Campbell — Sep 13, 2017

The annual Blue and Gold Awards evening was held on Wednesday 3 October and celebrated sporting success, community engagement and services to university life.

Over 200 people enjoyed an entertaining evening at the Te Kete Ika Dining Room and Function Centre as Lincoln University celebrated the success of those in and around campus who make a difference to peoples lives and the representative achievements of our athletes and sports people.

The evening commenced with a interview style question and answer session with Lincoln University Alumni, ex All Black and Crusaders player, past Canterbury provincial and New Zealand U20's coach and now Crusaders coach Scott Roberston. The evenings Master of Ceremonies Craig Kerr quizzed Scott about his time at Lincoln, his playing career, what makes him the successful coach that he is today and how he builds good culture among the players and people around him.

The evening then progressed to the awarding of Lincoln University Blues for athletic and sporting excellence in regional, national and international events and competition and presenting the awards for outstanding and selfless contributions to university life and community engagement from staff and students on campus. 

The final supreme awards for the evening were presented for the 

Congratulations to all award recipients and a very special thank you to all the sponsors who contributed to making the evening so special. A huge thanks also to the organisers Mark Smith & Peter Magson from the Rec Centre, Fiona Kay from LUSA, Heather Watson, Sandra Mitchell and their team from LHL Catering, Craig Kerr for his Master of Ceremonies Duties and to our guest speaker Scott Roberston and his wife Jane.

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