A Message from Gretchen
Gretchen Smith - March 20, 2024
Thursday 21 March / Rāpare 21 Poutū-te-rangi/ Aso Tofi 21 Mati / Huwebe 21 Marso 2024
Tēnā tātou i raro i te maru o Ngāi Tahu, Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa, Hola, Talofa lava,Malo e lelei, Kamusta, Namastee, Namaskāra, Ni sa bula vinaka, Kia orana, Fakatalofa atu, As-salamu Alaikum.
Kia ora e te whānau,
The weather is cooling and changeable. You can really tell it is Autumn, especially in the morning.
Farewell Karen
Today we sadly farewell one of our lovely Learning Assistants Karen, who has worked at Linwood Avenue for many years. Karen will be much missed in her role as a Learning Assistant, but also as a valued staff member. Karen is looking forward to sleeping in, and going on some wonderful adventures around New Zealand and overseas. We wish her all the very best for an exciting time ahead.
'Walk or Wheel to School Week'
It was great to see many whānau making the effort to either walk or ride bikes or scooter to school. The parade was stunning!
Please name your child's uniform!!
There is a huge amount of unnamed items in the 'Lost Property. 'Please have a check at home and see if you are missing something! There are many jackets and sweatshirts.
Stationery 2024
If you haven't yet paid for your child's Stationery, we would really appreciate if you could do so. This year it is $35 per child in Years 1-6. You can pay by instalments online banking, or by eftpos.
Paid Union Meeting
Thanks to everyone for their support on this day.We really appreciate it.
Easter Break
Usually Easter Break falls in the holidays for schools, but this year it doesn't. For since as long as I can remember, schools have Tuesday after Easter, as a holiday. Don't get tricked out! School starts again on Wednesday 3 April.
Easter Break: Good Friday 29 March until Tuesday 2 April inclusive
Assembly tomorrow will be brought to you by Rooms 7 and 12.
Have a lovely weekend ! Kia pai tō rā whakakatā! Manuia le faaiuga o le vaiaso umi!
Gretchen Smith