Hero photograph
Photo by Summer McKerchar

Message from the school board

Summer McKerchar —

Kia ora koutou from the school board, I am proud to be part of the school board and Lochiel School community, a community that I grew up in. I am also proud to see the support that our community has been receiving and giving to our students, staff and caregivers as we look after one another's health and wellbeing through all these viruses.

The school board met last week and is particularly thankful for our Lochiel School Network (LSN) who have generously donated $35000 worth of funding which will directly benefit our students, whether through resources and our classrooms or sports and outdoor education. Thank you to the LSN and our community who have made this possible. Our Sports Centre (former swimming pool building) redevelopment project has also received another boost with SDC, through the Community Fund Partnership, funding $5000.00 towards the project. The Sports Centre Subcommittee has now engaged a project manager and is moving towards the next funding applications that we are eligible for only because the Sports Centre has a wider community purpose, not just school use. Councillor Daren Fraser deserves special mention and thanks for his assistance with this grant.
Well done to school staff for implementing HERO. The school board is excited about the opportunity it offers as a communication tool, but also reporting to ensure we can follow student achievement. The board's primary objective in governance is to ensure that every student at the school is able to attain their highest possible standard in educational achievement.
Our board comprises 5 parent representatives, our Principal and a staff representative, who are jointly responsible for the governance of the school, with day to day operations and administration delegated. The board sets the Principal objectives through the strategic and annual plans, monitors performance, including student achievement, determines policies, sets budgets and ensures the school and property is maintained and is financially sound. Our school's annual report has just been published online if you are interested. Board meetings are held in public and open to any interested party to attend. Our next board meeting is Tuesday 9th August at 6:15pm. If you are interested please come along. With elections this year a call for school board nominations will be by 15th July, with nominations closing 12pm Wednesday 3rd August. Election day is 7 September and the new board takes office Wednesday 14th September. The first meeting for the new board is scheduled for 20 September. Further information is available here: https://www.schoolboardelections.org.nz/ and our current board members, our Principal, Norah Thomson, Fraser Anderson, Robbie Watkinson, Roger Nicholson and myself are more than happy to answer any questions. I hope to see some of you at the next assembly!

Warm regards,

Amy McStay, Presiding Member