Hero photograph
Photo by Summer McKerchar

Touch Rugby Term 4 2022

Summer McKerchar —

The Central Touch Competition is held at Moores Reserve, Price Road, Winton on Monday afternoons, between 4:00pm and 5:00pm over a 6 week period. The competition commences on Monday, 31 October 2022, with the final game held on Monday, 5 December, 2022.

This year we again hope to enter teams in all four grades.

The grades are:

Year 1 & 2

Year 3 & 4

Year 5 & 6

Year 7 & 8

The cost for the season is $17 per player, and this needs to be paid to the office or into the school account by Friday, 16 September, 2022.

We need to have coaches/managers for all teams. Please fill in the form below if you wish your child to enter and return by Friday, 16 September, 2022.